Monday, December 10, 2012

How to recycle styrofoam

Styrofoam is a huge filler of landfills... It weighs nothing but takes up a lot of space, and does not compact well..... So I had to see what I could do about this....

Watch the video that I made where I fit roughly 20 gallons of styrofoam into 2 ice trays... Do you have any ideas on what products that could be made of this stuff? How can we reuse this? Comment or tweet me!


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Making the World Better

Yesterday I was a laundromat doing my laundry... I just moved and haven't purchased a washer and dryer yet. The closest laundromat is kind of in the ghetto of the town I'm in.

I had just walked in, put my clothes in the washer and started reading a book when this lady walked in and tried to pay for my laundry. (now, I don't need help paying for my laundry, I live in an upscale apartment complex, have an awesome career, and have an online business, I am not wanting). I respectfully declined and told her that my part could pay for someone that really needs it.
Turns out she was from a local church and every Saturday they choose a different laundromat and go around "blessing" people by paying for their laundry and being a concerned person to talk to.
A few minutes later a lady and her 2 kids (who you can tell had seen better times) walked in. She was at the coin changer when the church lady approached her, after a short conversation, the lady with the kids burst into tears because someone was trying to help her. It was only $10 but the thought was more impactful.
As a self proclaimed greenie, I am always trying to make the world better by using less or recycling. But sometimes it just takes $10 and an ear to make the world a better place.
When I was getting ready to go, I decided I would hang my clothes out to dry at home and gave the church lady the rest of my laundry money, hoping it positively affected someone else like I had seen earlier!
That is your mission today, make the world better, just by being a friend or a stranger that cares!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Vacationing the Earth Friendly Way

Just because you are going on vacation doesnt mean that all of your hard work to be earth friendly has to stop.

Before you leave:

Unplug your electronics. 
If you are not going to be home, you dont need your coffee pot, tv, dvd player, etc... plugged in.  These electronics are like energy vampires, sucking small amounts of electricity all day and all night long.

Pack Light: 
The lighter you pack the better, a lighter load on your vehicle means it has to work less to get your from point A to point B, thus requiring less fuel.

Pack Reusable Shopping Bags:
Most families like to go shopping while on vacation, use reusable shopping bags instead of getting plastic bags everywhere you go.

Check your thermostat and water heater:
Does it need to be set on 74 if you are not there? 
Are you going to need hot water in your home if you are on vacation?

While on vacation

Once you get to your hotel room, check your thermostat again, most that I go to are set on 69, I can comfortably make it higher to use less energy.

Use your reusable shopping bags

Use public transportation if possible, especially if you are new to the area.  If this is your first time in a new place, your are more likely to make a wrong turn, get lost, etc... wasting fuel.  If you are able to take public transportation and walk to your destination, it is much better for the environment.  Plus, taking public transit can be a big part of the actual vacation, I know when I get to New York, I want to take the Iconic Subway.

If you eat at fast food places while on vacation, go in and eat instead of taking the food again.  This way less packing material is used and it doesnt make its way to the landfill.  It would be even better to maybe find a local farmers market, and eat at one of the food booths there because the foot will have a smaller carbon footprint if the produce is sources locally!

All of these things can be done easily without affecting your vacation.  It will even help with your bills if you are able to cut energy usage at home when you are gone.

Do you have some tips: let me know in the comments section!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Victory Garden

My victory garden was a small bust this year... the heat really got to it.  I was only able to harvest the following:

2 heirloom tomatos
5 yellow wax beans
and about 1 cup of lettuce

maybe next year will be better, I think I am going to use containers so that I can move them easily due to heat or freeze.

How is yorur garden doing????  Send me some pics on twitter at

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Urban Wildlife

If you look hard enough, you can find reasons to help save the environment everywhere.  Here is one little reason that we found in the back yard.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Natural Beauty Products

Natural products for your skin is a given, why would you want to apply something that is a known to contain petroleum products to your skin? Your skin is the largest organ on/in your body.

I had the chance to review Nardo's Natural Products: Watch the following video I made! In the comments section below, let me know what products you use and if you plan on using Nardo's.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Victory Garden

It has been said that a 10x10 victory garden can save the average person $700 per year in food costs.... to test this and to create an organic garden, I am creating a video on how to do one easily at home... Check back next week for the how to video!