Yesterday I was a laundromat doing my laundry... I just moved and haven't purchased a washer and dryer yet. The closest laundromat is kind of in the ghetto of the town I'm in.
I had just walked in, put my clothes in the washer and started reading a book when this lady walked in and tried to pay for my laundry. (now, I don't need help paying for my laundry, I live in an upscale apartment complex, have an awesome career, and have an online business, I am not wanting). I respectfully declined and told her that my part could pay for someone that really needs it.
Turns out she was from a local church and every Saturday they choose a different laundromat and go around "blessing" people by paying for their laundry and being a concerned person to talk to.
A few minutes later a lady and her 2 kids (who you can tell had seen better times) walked in. She was at the coin changer when the church lady approached her, after a short conversation, the lady with the kids burst into tears because someone was trying to help her. It was only $10 but the thought was more impactful.
As a self proclaimed greenie, I am always trying to make the world better by using less or recycling. But sometimes it just takes $10 and an ear to make the world a better place.
When I was getting ready to go, I decided I would hang my clothes out to dry at home and gave the church lady the rest of my laundry money, hoping it positively affected someone else like I had seen earlier!
That is your mission today, make the world better, just by being a friend or a stranger that cares!